Please contact us within 30 days of delivery if you wish to request a return. To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused in the original packaging and in the same condition that you received it.
Once your return is received, inspected and approved for refund, we will notify you of your refund. Refunds will be applied to your original form of payment and depending on your bank, will typically appear on your statement within 3-5 business days.
Please visit our Returns page for more information. To request a return, please send an email to or call us at 1-855-695-1466.
Business Hours: 9:00am to 5:00pm EST
Address Change Inquiries: We wanted to take a moment to kindly remind you to please double check the shipping address you provide at checkout to ensure accurate and timely delivery of your order.
Please note that if you realize a mistake in the address after business hours, it may not always be possible for us to make changes in time to prevent any delays or delivery issues.
To avoid any inconvenience, we recommend verifying your address information before completing your purchase. If you do not notice an error, please reach out to us as soon as possible during business hours and we will do our best to assist you.
Thank you for choosing to shop with us!